Mississippi State Department of Health

Child Care Facility Regulatory Violations

The Mississippi State Department of Health conducts inspections of licensed child care facilities at least twice a year to ensure compliance with state regulations.

Inspections and Violations

Use our online Child Care Provider Search to find complete information on a child care facility, including a history of inspections and any violations.

Find a Facility

Older Inspection Reports

For a detailed report on any facility that is not found in our online database, please make a request using our public records request form.

Serious Occurrences and Deaths

The Mississippi Department of Human Services maintains a list of recent serious incidents, injuries and deaths in Mississippi child care facilities.

Links referenced on this page
Find a Facility    https://www.msdh.provider.webapps.ms.gov/ccsearch.aspx
Public records request form    http://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/index.cfm/31,22709,427,html ok
Monthly list of serious occurrences and deaths in child care facilities    https://www.mdhs.ms.gov/eccd/reports-archives/

Find this page at https://msdh.ms.gov/page/30,0,183,707.html

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