Collector Software
In July 2006 the Mississippi State Department of Health, Bureau of EMS deployed custom "Collector" Trauma Registry software to all hospitals that participated in the Mississippi Trauma Care System. Today every Mississippi licensed acute care facility (hospital) having an organized emergency service or department uses the Collector software to submit their data to the State Trauma Registry.
Collector is a trauma registry system that helps users meet changing requirements of collection and evaluation of trauma data for quality assurance, accreditation, management, prevention and research. Collector is a complete data management and report generating package which includes a user friendly data entry and verification system, querying capabilities and integration with expert coding software (Tri-Code). Collector offers coding, database and analysis capabilities.
The capabilities of the Collector software products extend beyond data collection and standard reports. The software has data validation features (ensuring quality regional and state registry data), automated injury coding capabilities, data entry efficiency, unique quality assurance features as well as powerful report writing and querying features. Collector is a complete solution and no other software is needed to run the system other than the operating system (network operating system for network versions).
The Central-Site version of Collector offers all the features and capabilities of the hospital software, plus allows for the collection of, and reporting on, all data elements within the state and/or region cumulatively or by facility and/or any patient subset. Collector's report writer allows central-site staff to support data requests, research requirements, systems evaluation, comparative analysis, and more. Data is sent electronically using secure encrypted files.
Beginning April 1, 2018, the trauma registry is available as a web-based product, which provides greater flexibility for those entering data into the system. Users may now currently use the existing Legacy computer-based software or the web-based option for entering data into the Trauma Registry.
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