Are you a health care professional? Do you need to be certified? The Mississippi State Department of Health offers tuberculosis continuing education in locations statewide.
- Curriculum and requirements
- Preparatory review
- Scheduled TB skin test training
- Certificate replacement
- Contact and assistance
Curriculum and Requirements
- Heath care professionals are required to be recertified every five years. Certification is limited to the health care professional's scope of practice.
- Tuberculin surveillance and skin test curriculum includes certification and 6.5 contact hours of nursing continuing education.
- The course is designed for health care professionals, both public and private, who administer and read tuberculin skin test results.
- Curriculum meets the MSDH licensing requirements for institutions for the aged and infirm and requirements for Medicaid reimbursement.
- All planners and presenter have declared no conflict of interest.
Course Completion
Criteria for successful completion include:
- Attendance for the entire event
- Submission of a completed evaluation of at least 80% on a 50-question post-test
- Successful demonstration of administering and reading a TB skin test
- Scoring below 65 is an automatic failure and requires repeating the course.
- One knowledge assessment re-challenge test will be offered the same day for individuals scoring between 65 and 80. A minimum score of 80 is also required for the re-challenge. Any score below 80 is a failure and requires repeating the course.
The Mississippi State Department of Health is approved as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the Mississippi Nurses Foundation, Inc., an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.
Preparatory Review
A review of the following Glossary and Mantoux chart is strongly recommended prior to attending class.
Scheduled TB Training
Pre-registration at least 14 days in advance is required to attend a session. Registration is complete on receipt of payment.
- View calendar of scheduled classes
- Register and pay online for in-person workshopsYou will receive online class details by e-mail after registration.
- Register by mailFill out and return this form
For questions about TB test certification training, please send e-mail to TB.Certification@msdh.ms.gov
Sessions are scheduled throughout the state from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. several times each month. Sign-in begins at 8:00 am and instruction begins promptly at 8:30 am. Late arrivals are not admitted after instruction begins.
Certificate Replacement
If you have earned a training certificate and need a duplicate or replacement copy of your certificate, you can request a replacement online, or by mail.
- Request a duplicate online
- Request a duplicate by mailFill out and return this form
For more information about these or any other classes, please call the MSDH TB Line at 601-576-7700. For questions about TB test certification training, please send e-mail to TB.Certification@msdh.ms.gov