Child Abuse

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You can do your part to help prevent and report child abuse or abuse of a vulnerable adult. Abuse can be any inappropriate or harmful action towards a child or vulnerable individual, physical or otherwise.

How to Report Abuse

Anyone with reasonable cause to suspect someone is being neglected or harmed, physically or sexually, may make a report.

Always call 911 if you believe the person is in immediate danger.

Whom to contact

  • Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-222-8000
  • Report child abuse or neglect to Mississippi Child Protection Services
  • Report abuse of a vulnerable person: 1-844-437-6282
  • Report human trafficking: 1-888-373-7888

Types of Abuse

Abuse can be:

  • Emotional: anything said or done that is hurtful or threatening to a person, such as name calling, belittling, or making threats of harm.
  • Sexual: unwanted sexual activity and contact using force, making threats, or taking advantage of victims not able to give consent.
  • Physical: any type of contact that results in bodily harm or bruising, or physically restraining a person improperly.
  • Neglect: not meeting the basic needs of a person, including not giving essential medicines or food, leaving a person unsupervised, or providing inadequate protection from the weather.
  • Human Trafficking: Illegal transportation of people for forced labor, sex, exploitation, or forced marriages. More about human trafficking
  • Financial: Having one's money, credit cards, savings or property stolen or mismanaged by a caregiver, spouse, partner or payee.
  • Interpersonal Violence (IPV): behaviors that cause physical, psychological or sexual harm by family members, intimate partners, acquaintances or strangers. Can include stalking, sexual assault and domestic violence. More about interpersonal violence


Information on child and adult abuse, and how to prevent it, from the CDC.

Last reviewed on Jun 3, 2024 request edits
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