Get more active and start feeling better — for the rest of your life.
Why get moving?
Physical activity for just half an hour a day can:
- Help prevent cancer, heart disease, diabetes and other chronic illnesses.
- Sharpen your mind
- Reduce stress
- Help control weight
- Improve sleep
How much do you need? You choose!

Move your way: in a few 10-minute sessions a day, half an hour daily, or a 2½ hour weekly workout. Everything you do adds up.
Plus: At least twice a week, choose an activity that helps strengthen your muscles.
Get the same great benefits in half the time with a vigorous-intensity workout.
What Can I Do?
Anything that gets you moving!
- Everyday activities: Yardwork, cleaning, walking the dog
- Fun and games: Outdoor activities that get you moving
- Recreations: Dancing, walking, yoga, tai-chi
- Active hobbies: Running, bicycling, swimming, hiking ... you name it!
- Start with walking: Walking is one of the simplest ways to get moving to better health. Tips for getting started
Move at Work!
Try these ideas to put more walking into your work day.
- Take the stairs rather than an elevator or escalator.
- Park farther away from work or stores and walk.
- Walk to a lunch spot instead of driving.
- Get co-workers to commit to walking with you every day.
- Make a reminder to walk even a little each morning and afternoon.
Look for opportunities in the things you do every day, or start a simple daily exercise routine indoors or outdoors. Brisk, steady activity is all you need to do good for your body.
Busy? Check out these tips to put more movement in your day.
How hard do I have to work?
Your breathing will tell you!
- Moderate intensity: You are breathing harder, but not enough interfere with conversation.
- Vigorous intensity: You need to take a breath every few words.
Bonus: Vigorous activity means you can reduce your exercise time by half and still get the same health benefits.
Activity planner from Health.gov
Moving is for everyone!
Fact sheets to print and keep.
- Adults: The Basics of Healthy Activity PDF
- Healthcare Providers: Talk to your patients about healthy activity PDF
- Older adults PDF
- Parents PDF
- Kids PDF
Find out more
- More about walking for health
- Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans
- More about Moving Your Way: Tools and information for everyone HEALTH.GOV
Don't forget: Kids need exercise, too
When kids build a habit of being active every day, they benefit for life.