Lead and Copper Rule Public Water System Materials Inventory 2019

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Lead is present in the pipes or equipment in some Mississippi public water systems. MSDH provides information reported by public water suppliers on possible sources of lead in their water distribution systems.


The Mississippi and Federal Safe Drinking Water Act Lead and Copper Rule required community and non-transient non-community public water systems to complete a materials inventory of their distribution system in the early 1990s.

The purpose for creating this materials inventory was to locate and document high-risk areas in the system’s distribution system which may contain lead. High-risk areas include piping, joint pipes, solder, caulking, pipes with lead lining, alloys, and home plumbing.

Mississippi’s public water systems were asked in 2016 to update the materials inventory, and the results of those inventories are provided in a summary below in alphabetical order by system name. Updates will be made to the information in this table as it is received.

Materials Inventory

The full materials inventory of over 1,000 public water suppliers indicates which ones may have lead in their system or equipment that could affect you. The list is organized alphabetically by water supply.

Last reviewed on Oct 5, 2023 request edits
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